Uniform Purchase Requirements Illegal

In the State of Kansas, it is illegal for companies to require their employees to purchase uniforms. The most serious violators of this law appear to be food establishments.

If you or someone you know works in a food establishment in the State of Kansas and they require them to purchase uniforms as a condition to work, you should have them make a report at www.MyWhistle.com .

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2 Responses to “Uniform Purchase Requirements Illegal”

  1. tmac Says:

    Well, I work at a large hospital Wichita, and we are all required to purchase our uniforms, and in a special color, also. Do you think this is in direct contradiction to the fact you said Kansas can’t make you purchase uniforms?

  2. mywhistle Says:

    If the uniforms have the Hospital logo or name, it probably is. You should call the Kansas Department of Labor if you have a concern.

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